Three Reasons to try Boudoir
I’ll be honest.
I’ve tried to write this blog post like 7 times.
…But every time I do, it just completely falls short.
I mean, sure, I can tell you what’s all involved in a boudoir session.
How it’s super fun to get your hair and makeup done, how much fun the session is, how gorgeous you’ll look, and what it’s like seeing your images for the first time.
But I feel like none of that really explains what boudoir is.
So instead, I’m going to tell you a story about one of my past clients.
This is her story.
My Client’s Story
This story stands out to me because this woman was a friend of mine I’ve known for a while.
One of the things I always thought was so beautiful about her was her smile.
She had the biggest, brightest, most beautiful smile ever.
However, she had spent the last 4 years in a shit relationship.
The relationship ended (thank god), but it left her feeling like shit.
And in a lot of ways, she had lost her sense of self.
(If you’re like most women, I know you can relate. This is the absolute worst.)
She came in for her session, and she was like most women I work with.
She was nervous, a bit scared, a bit shy, and a bit unsure of both herself and the upcoming session.
After a while though, she loosened up and soon we were having a ton of fun.
I remember one photo in particular, she had a giant smile on her face.
The kind I remembered most about her.
So like most women, I paused for a hot minute and had her come look at the back of my camera.
As soon as she saw the picture, she started tearing up.
I looked at her and I asked her what was up. Maybe she didn’t like it? Maybe I did something wrong?
But here’s the deal.
Remember when I said she went through a garbage relationship?
You see, it had been so long since she had actually felt like herself, that she hadn’t seen herself smile like that in years.
(4 years, to be exact.)
This was the first time she was seeing herself again.
Not the version of herself that was beat down by the toxic relationship.
But her true, carefree, amazing, beautiful self.
This was her opportunity to reclaim who she was, and be reminded of the woman she is.
And by taking the chance to see herself through someone else’s eyes (or rather, my camera), she was able to do just that.
For me, that’s what boudoir is.
It’s a chance to give women the gift of themselves. To see what the rest of the world sees.
To show them that they don’t have to be a size 2 or 6-foot-whatever to be absolutely stunningly gorgeous.
That they are enough just as they are.
This is what boudoir is. And this is why I do what I do.
This client was super emotional throughout the rest of her session. She couldn’t stop smiling with that big beautiful smile, and there was lots of hugging and tearing up.
When she left my studio that day, she held her head a little bit higher, smiled that big beautiful smile a bit more, and took her first steps towards reclaiming herself.
And I am so here for that.
3 Reasons Every Woman Should Try It
This is just one example of why women seek out boudoir photography. In reality, there’s a handful of reasons that my clients work with me.
Here are the 3 most common reasons I see women doing boudoir sessions.
1. Revenge.
Seriously, fuck that guy (or gal) who made you feel like you were ever “less-than”.
Doing a boudoir session means you can see for yourself what they’re missing out on.
Just imagine their faces if they were to see how smokin’ hot you look in your photos, and then realize that they don’t get a single minute of your time?
That’s some satisfying revenge right there ;)
2. Celebrate You.
There’s no better gift you can give yourself than loving yourself, especially after you’ve been through some hard times.
Put the oxygen mask on yourself first and then go out there and live your freaking best life.
3. To reclaim your confidence.
Look, the media is a brutal place.
Our entire lives as women we’re force-fed this idea of what beauty is.
That it’s a certain size or shape or whatever.
It leaves us feeling like we’re never enough. Like we’re always 10 pounds or one dress size away from being ‘acceptable.’
And honestly…that’s some bullshit.
You are enough just the way you are, right now.
Boudoir is a chance to practice radical and unapologetic self-love.
Because one of the most rebellious things you can do in our society is love yourself exactly the way you are.
You don’t need to lose 10 pounds first. And you don’t have to have “someone” to do the session for.
You. Are. Enough <3
Want To Learn More?
If you’re curious what it’s like to do plan your own personalized boudoir session, enter your email address below to get a free copy of my Dream Shoot Planner.
It’ll be delivered right to your inbox and give you a behind-the-scenes look at planning your very own session ;)